Jackovv! Do not touch my borner!

Joshua Tomar @TomaMoto

Age 38, Male


University of Florida

Burbank, CA

Joined on 4/20/06

Exp Points:
2,648 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.79 votes
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B/P Bonus:
11y 5m 5d

TomaMoto's News

Posted by TomaMoto - April 28th, 2021

I love you Newgrounds, even if I'm terrible at showing it. I'm certain I owe a great deal of my happiness to this website and the people I've met through it both directly and indirectly.

It's been 15 years since @ImpendingRiot showed me Metal Gear Awesome and cast me in my first EVER animated voice role for his entry to @Luis 's "Anti-Clock Crew Day".

It's been 13 years since I built and released "Bang! The Game", my first and last indie game in AS3 using recycled assets created by @ImpendingRiot for another game where his developer had fallen through. It garnered a $500 non-exclusive sponsorship from a website whose name I no longer remember, which at the time made me feel like I was on top of the world!

It's been 12 years since I met my would-be wife and ultimate partner @jaxxy and provided voices for the titular character in her cartoon Lil' Hoots.

It's been 11 years since I won the 2009 Tanky (awarded in 2010) for user of the year. No cooler award exists as far as I'm concerned and it is still on display in my office.

It's been 9 years since the 3rd episode of Sergio and Bear released, my last realized attempt at writing a fully original cartoon.

It's been 5 years since the last episode of Admincraft released, my compromise between wanting to make something original and wanting to make money on YouTube. I would say I regret going to YouTube for the money if I hadn't learned so many valuable lessons in the process.

A lot of time has passed since I arrived here in 2006 and I have come to embrace the balance and variety in my life, as an engineer, as an actor, and as a proponent of animators and indie game devs. If, and I have to be realistic and say "IF" I get back into writing, gamedev, and/or producing any sort of original content, Newgrounds.com will be the first place it goes up.

...and now I finally have something in my Newgrounds newsfeed post-2014.


Posted by TomaMoto - September 30th, 2014

I haven't made a Boredom dub in like 5 years, but it harkens back to a time when I was far more involved in Newgrounds.  I intend to get more involved again!  Enjoy or don't!


Also, I'd just like to make a shout out regarding how proud I am of The-Swain and Krinkels's recent success in their Madness Project Nexus 2 Kickstarter.  They entered the playing field at a time (right now) when Kickstarter skepticism was rampant (and unfortunately, justifiably so thanks to some very popular/seedy/irresponsible people) and still managed to pull off their goal, plus an extra few thousand dollars.

Same goes to Josh Hano and our very own DrNeroCF for their success on their game kickstarter for Nefarious.

I'm crossing my fingers hoping to hear some good Pico Day news in the next couple months.  It may not be at the office anymore, but I'm hoping the event itself stays alive forever.  I love you guys!




Posted by TomaMoto - April 29th, 2014

Had a FANTASTIC time at Pico Day this year.  Makes me really regret missing the previous one.  This is the one event that really revitalizes my passion to create.  It was lovely meeting up with old buddies, folks I'd only known online and brand new people alike.  It was not nice meeting that one kid who mumbled a lot and kept trying to touch everyone and-- err, let's focus on the positive.  It was great to see that there are so many talented young up-and-comers that are keeping Newgrounds fresh and going strong.  I'm sure Tom is incredibly proud of you all.


Not sure if most of you caught it, but I did spend a few minutes in front of the webcam on stream, as pictured below.  Thanks very much to my frieend Erin (IggyNoBiggie, though I'm not sure of her Newgrounds username) for capturing this moment with me in a Sully mask awkwardly sticking a microphone into my face.


I wish the best to all of you in the year ahead, creators, would-be creators and enthusiasts one and all!

Me on the Stream in a Sully mask


Posted by TomaMoto - November 13th, 2012

I usually only make posts when I have something particularly interesting to say. Today, I'm just posting to say I'm still alive, still voice acting, and that I'm very sniffly.

This month was a bit of a blast from the past, as I was called, after many years, to reprise my role as BBQBEEFBURGERMAN. Also, been voicing some games, some commercial, some Indy, but all awesome.

Well, there's a little bit of news, I guess. I am considering this post a smashing success, but now I dunno what else to type here. Gonna go find tissues.


Posted by TomaMoto - July 31st, 2012

Consider my Newgrounds blog REFRESHED.

Since last I posted here, my Announcer work in Skullgirls has been released to the market. And I have been involved in voice over for a number of upcoming games including Critical Studios/Paradox Interactive's Dungeonland, Dean Dodrill's soon-to-be-released Dust: An Elysian Tail, and our own SuperFlashBros' upcoming cross-platform (Win/Mac/iOS/Android/Linux) Detective Grimoire game.

So on the topic of Detective Grimoire, The Detective Grimoire Kickstarter has nearly reached its $25,000 goal without only 50 or so hours remaining. Please make a pledge and lend a hand to support Tom, Dim and all the awesome Newgrounds voice actors (Omahdon, Egoraptor, Hnilmik, Princess Aura) that have contributed to this exciting game.

To talk a bit more on Dungeonland: I recently attended, dressed as my character "Dungeon Master" (thanks to Holly Conrad for building my costume!), a Paradox Interactive press event in San Francisco. Two of the main developers, Mark and Gabriel were there, and those guys were quite awesome! The game itself includes a very cool mode called Dungeon Master Mode, in which 3 players fight in the game's standard dungeon crawler/roguelike style, but another opposing player, controlling the world in an RTS-like fashion, lays traps and can even take direct control of enemies and Bosses in an attempt to thwart the hero characters. It's a ton a fun and I recommend that everyone keep Dungeonland on their radar over the course of the next year. I believe (meaning I'm not totally certain) the main game is going to be released in Q4 of this year, with DLC to follow next year.

There we go. Thou art updated on my upcoming voice-over shit.

See you all next time!


Update, Dungeonland  and Detective Grimoire


Posted by TomaMoto - January 31st, 2012


Despite my quietness on Newgrounds in the past few months, I am still up to stuff!

First, I'd like to mention that Zeebarf's new game "Ballads of Reemus" game came out a few days ago on the 25th. It is fully voice acted and features me in the role of Reemus as well as several others. Please check it out and have some fun! The demo is available here: http://www.clickshakegames.com/reemus/

Also, I'm proud to announce that I'll be voicing the role of Harley in Bryce Milburn's new cartoon pilot "Harley The Really Really Famous Porn Star." I just found out today that I'll playing opposite Joe Lo Truglion of Reno 911 Superbad and Pineapple Express. He's a super funny dude, so if you don't give a shit about me being in it, give a shit about him. Please check out the Kickstarter and donate if it's something that you'd like to see: http://kck.st/wb1Yss

Hopefully, I'll post on here more frequently, but it's not like I was ever very good at keeping a blog.

I'll leave you all with a neat artsy short I voiced by Francis Bièvre:


Posted by TomaMoto - August 31st, 2011

So I voiced this game, Lee-Lee's Quest, for Raitendo and it just happens to have been picked up by Adult Swim. They liked the voices and thanks to Raitendo's smoothly brilliant Swedish negotation skills, they agreed to have me voice the TV commmercial to advertise the game:

It's been airing for about two full weeks now as far as I know, which is pretty sweet. No idea when it's gonna end.

I'm nearly done with mixing Sergio and Bear 3. This episode took an unusual turn compared to the last two, but everything I wrote just sort of came about naturally. Thanks to Jaxxy and RubberNinja for encouraging me to go with my original script instead of scrapping to write something different. Also, thanks to Egoraptor for voicing all my new extra characters.

I'm looking forward to recording for Molkman's Lucky Tower 2 this coming weekend and hopefully a variety of other great projects. Also, I'd like you all to go encourage my pal ImpendingRiot (of Alice is Dead fame) to work hard on his latest point and click mystery game. It looks like it's gonna be pretty sweet!

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, Newgrounds! I got no excuse other than I didn't think I had anything interesting enough to say. Take care, and please don't hesitate to ask me about voicing your stuff. That's still what I do, baby!


Posted by TomaMoto - July 27th, 2010

Join Bear and Sergio as their adventure begins. Thanks very much to the lovely Jaxxy for all the art and animation.


I'm still pretty pooped from Comic-con, but oh boy, what an awesome time! Thanks to Luis, Hans and Swain for letting your hotel room be our hang-out pad at the end of pretty much every night. Thanks also to everyone else who trekked from all reaches of the globe. Comic-con wouldn't be worth it without all the newgrounders that attended.

I love you, Newgrounds. You are ever the quasi-pubescent younger sibling that I don't not wish I ever had.

This is the Story of a Bear


Posted by TomaMoto - April 25th, 2010

Was a blast to work on! I've been seeing mixed reviews, but I personally love where it's going. I mean, it'll always be an anime parody, but I really appreciate how it's starting to take on a life of its own.

Girl Chan 3


Posted by TomaMoto - February 15th, 2010

Home of Web two-point-zero.
