Had a FANTASTIC time at Pico Day this year. Makes me really regret missing the previous one. This is the one event that really revitalizes my passion to create. It was lovely meeting up with old buddies, folks I'd only known online and brand new people alike. It was not nice meeting that one kid who mumbled a lot and kept trying to touch everyone and-- err, let's focus on the positive. It was great to see that there are so many talented young up-and-comers that are keeping Newgrounds fresh and going strong. I'm sure Tom is incredibly proud of you all.
Not sure if most of you caught it, but I did spend a few minutes in front of the webcam on stream, as pictured below. Thanks very much to my frieend Erin (IggyNoBiggie, though I'm not sure of her Newgrounds username) for capturing this moment with me in a Sully mask awkwardly sticking a microphone into my face.
I wish the best to all of you in the year ahead, creators, would-be creators and enthusiasts one and all!
Sorry for mumbling and trying to touch you.
Oh you know it wasn't you, you silly.