Needs Improvement
It seems like the momentary high score has kinda gone to your head, so I wanted to give an honest review. I was gonna wait till the end of the contest, but being a judge, you're already disqualified anyway.
First off, I appreciate your energy. You are projecting and making some effort to get into your characters. All in all though, it's pretty hard to give this a very positive review for a number of reasons, first and foremost being the following:
-I have tried to listen to this four times now.
-Only on the fourth time did I actually finish it because the harshness of your voice is fairly grating on my senses. Perhaps your equipment is partially to blame, but those angry gruff voices don't really help.
Your pronunciation is often rushed and faltering, a strong indicator that you aren't taking the time to listen to yourself and correct your own mistakes. You seem proud that you made this in an hour, but that only supports the notion that you were a bit sloppy and careless with the whole thing.
It doesn't show much range, and although I saw you argue with a few reviews that said the very same thing, I have to agree with those few others. The voices all sound very similar with that harsh gruffness of yours. Distinguishing characters is possible, but it's hardly natural feeling. The first three characters (protagonist, friend and dad) all sound extremely similar and I could barely tell the difference at all between the main character and his friend aside from the flow of the conversation itself.
For mixing, try to take advantage of the stereo capabilities of your sound editor. Doing so could have even compensated for some of the issues caused by the lack of variation in your characters' voices.
I personally didn't find it very clever or entertaining, but certainly take some comfort in the fact that so many others did. Sorry to be so harsh, but 1) these are my honest opinions and 2) it seemed like you were getting unnecessarily big-headed about the whole "best of the week" and "best of all time" things in the audio portal. Those are score-based positions, and yet you try to direct people's attention away from the updated score at the same time as you are bragging.