Just Awesome.
Jackovv! Do not touch my borner!
Age 38, Male
University of Florida
Burbank, CA
Joined on 4/20/06
Just Awesome.
happy BDAY tomar
When you look at it, <3 also looks like an arse. :P
Merry Bumwasher to you too.
Happy birthday stamper. I hope you got a birthday cake with a penicorn on it, or just a penis in general. Haha. Maybe a vagina too.
SeƱor Will Stamper has made a post today titled 'Ding Dong', but the comments are disabled. I'm curious about who could be at the door, Will!
Happy birthday stamper/toma. :D
happy b-day dude
what you like 23?
w/evs lol
Its my moms birthday too
Maybe your mom's Stamper O:
Btw - happpy birthday
Wait I'm confused whose birthday is it?
Happy Worstday
happy birthday tomabear
happy birthday TomaMoto!
wow I noticed, Stamper has the same birthay as my mum! Happy birthday you sex-crazed bastard!
Love, creepy old man(Flapjack) ;-D
Joshua says Hi to Joshua haha, My names Joshua too! but I'd rather have your voice acting skills instead of your name :(
Make sure to check out the results of the competition on friday!
P.S. thanks a lot for helping out here. ;) Maybe someday over the rainbow I can help you out and voice act. *but your superiority would make my acting look like shit so I dont how ill pull that off*
!!!ONE!!! stamper is one more year old.....
HEY you stole my name T_T .... or maibe i stoled :O
Stamp a stamp in his butt saying: "Happy Birthday, Stamper McStamp Stampelson"