Jackovv! Do not touch my borner!

Joshua Tomar @TomaMoto

Age 38, Male


University of Florida

Burbank, CA

Joined on 4/20/06

Exp Points:
2,648 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.79 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 5m 5d

TomaMoto's News

Posted by TomaMoto - November 22nd, 2008

OH SNAP! It's a neck beard!


Posted by TomaMoto - October 13th, 2008

I got tired of my old news post which has been there for god knows how many months, serving as a pretty poor indicator of my activity level on Newgrounds (I swear, I've been active!). Well, I've been learning AS3, which I happen to enjoy for it's object-oriented focus, even though I recognize why people might prefer AS2. I've already completed my first game (rough and disorganized as it may be) and am toying with the idea of sponsorship, though it's likely I'll just wind up pimping it out myself. Big thanks to ImpendingRiot for his work on the art and animation.

I'm also in early stages of developing my second game along with comrade Egoraptor. I plan to spend a lot more time on this one, especially to avoid some of the planning issues (i.e. there was no planning) I ran into with the last title. Still trying to keep up with the voice acting, despite the challenges posed by grad school, job interviews and my new-found AS3 hobby.

ttyl Newgrounds

Posted by TomaMoto - June 18th, 2008

I feel it's a shame that more people haven't seen this video. My buddy Jeremy Harrington is really hilarious and an awesome filmmaker. At least watch the first 2 and a half minutes or so. It's totally worth it XD.

PS: Jeremy is the guy that gets punched.

/* */

Posted by TomaMoto - June 10th, 2008

So Big Apple Con was a blast! Staying and bumming around with all those hot shot newgrounders was tons of fun. It was so fun in fact, I was totally able to block out all memories of an inebriated Krinkels wanting to physically and emotionally violate me...

SO anyway, everyone out there was great. I don't know the financial details, but morally, I'd say Big Apple Con 2008 was a huge success for newgrounds. Hanging around with all the contributers and fans was great and the only thing that could have made it greater would have been a place for all the visitors to sit down.

As a side note, I'm strongly considering now trying to animate something on my own, even though I'm more than convinced that the artwork of whatever I make first will royally suck.

Thanks to everyone who made New York such a blast for me this weekend, I hope to do it again some time. Now here's a video from Sunday when things were kinda slow:

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Posted by TomaMoto - June 5th, 2008

So I been up to some junk and some stuff. A large part of the past couple months has gone into starting up a new business/website. It's been very exciting so far and I can't wait for the grand opening (which should only be a few months away at most). In the meantime, my roommate Drew's starting a series of oddball shorts, like so:

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Posted by TomaMoto - May 30th, 2008

So I was over at Egoraptor's house this past weekend and we finished our Naruto Super Dub. Check it out at: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Also, mega looking forward to Big Apple Con! The postcards look awesome and I'm excited about meeting everyone there... Honestly, cons are all pretty much the same and not terribly interesting to me, but meeting cool people... that's what motivates me to go to all these goofy-ass conventions. Apple Con will be my fourth con this year and also my fourth con ever in my life. Yes, what an enlightening year it's been.

To all you nerds out there, have a fine Friday and good luck to everyone who's up for a Tanky! XD

PS: Now here's a picture of pedophile Christopher Lee, as seen in Kingdom Hearts II:

Naruto Dub and Apple-con

Posted by TomaMoto - March 30th, 2008

It's magically delicious!

Get a heapin' helpin' o' Avatar Boredom Dub NOW.

In other news, I was at Anime Boston last weekend with lefthandedsock and we met up with Faceman and traveled around the convention recording his antics with many passionate cosplayers. The results were quite hilarious, and I recommend you check it out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGqm6_S 4-Y0
The above is pretty much the ONLY reason why anime cons can be fun XD

Well I'm gonna go eat some pretzels now and do some homework and annihilate the dark lord Ra. Take care newgrounds!

Avatar Boredom Dub 9

Posted by TomaMoto - February 17th, 2008

UPDATE 2: And now 8 is up, yay! ^_^

UPDATE: And holy jeez, Avatar Boredom Dub 7 is on frontpage! I dunno why it's 7 and not 8, but either way it's just awesome to see one up there! XD

So I finally found some time and made a new boredom dub. Style-wise, I think the speaking patterns differ quite a bit from many of my previous dubs, and I really like how it turned out. Thanks very much to everyone who watches these and all the NGers who have supported me in putting these up on here instead of condemning my dubs to youtube alone.

AVATAR BOREDOM DUB 8: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Do be sure to check out egoraptor's Metal Gear Awesome 2, slated for release this coming Tuesday, February 19. There might even be a familiar voice cameo somewhere in there =3 Also on February 19:

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney's USA Release
My Business Law Exam
My Milk Expires

Have a great week, everyone!

Avatar Boredom Dub 8

Posted by TomaMoto - December 16th, 2007

The latest Avatar Boredom Dub is released, hurrah! Check it out at the following URL.

Aside from that, I have some other neat little news items that I have yet to share directly with Newgrounds. TomaMoto is slowly movin' on up the food chain. I recently received a call from a local video game studio, Artificial Studios, to do a recording session for the the cinematic demo of an upcoming game they're working on. Now I originally met these guy about a year ago when I was auditioning to voice act in their first real title, Monster Madness (http://www.monster-madness.com). While I didn't fit any roles in that game, I actually did hit it off pretty well with the audio people who were there casting that day.

Okay, so back to the call. Of course, I agreed to come in, very excited since this would be my first time ever being called into a studio to do any sort of paid voice acting. All I can say is that things there were really awesome. Everyone at the studio was really nice. Aside from the script writer and the main audio guy, I also met a lot of the game's artistic talent. As I was walked around and introduced to all of the concept artists and modelers and animators, each one would really enthusiastically show me the work they'd done on the character I had come in to voice.

During the recording session, where the lead developer was actually sitting in, he told me that even if I don't voice the main character in the final game, that they definitely would want to use my voice for other roles because of my versatility. I was naturally flattered and excited. The session itself was quick (about a half hour) but fun, and at the end of it all, I found myself not really wanting to leave.

I imagine that sort of "small firm full of cool people" feel is something like what the newgrounds staff experiences at work. More and more, I want to work in this sort of setting as opposed to in a crowded corporate mess. Of course, if I become a career voice actor, I'll probably do quite a bit of floating around, but I know not yet in what direction my career shall take me.

I would like to thank everyone on Newgrounds along with all my other friends who have supported me, my voice work and my comedy up to this point. Your laughs and praise are what keep me going and I hope to rise to new heights with your help.


Avatar Boredom Dub 7 Released

Posted by TomaMoto - November 16th, 2007

Since some folks were asking for it, I decided to make my first audio portal submission with The Reading Rap from The Kingdom. Enjoy then.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /106349